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Secret Thoughts

[各怀心事的英文] Secret Thoughts

[怎么读(音标)] /ˈsiːkrət θɔːts/


[用法] Secret thoughts refers to the innermost feelings, desires, or worries that a person keeps to themselves and does not share with others.


1. She had a lot of secret thoughts about her new job, but she didn't want to burden anyone with them. 她对新工作有很多心事,但她不想把它们压在别人身上。

2. He always seemed calm and collected, but his secret thoughts were filled with anxiety and self-doubt. 他总是看起来很冷静,但他内心充满了焦虑和自我怀疑的心思。

3. The diary was filled with her secret thoughts and dreams, written in the pages that no one else would ever see. 日记里写满了她的秘密想法和梦想,都是写在别人永远看不到的页码上。

4. They had been friends for years, but he never suspected the secret thoughts she had for him until she confessed her love. 他们已经是多年的朋友了,但直到她表白爱意,他才意识到她对他有着秘密的情感。

5. The therapist encouraged him to share his secret thoughts and feelings in order to heal from his past traumas. 治疗师鼓励他分享他的秘密想法和感受,以便从过去的创伤中康复。

[同义词及用法] Innermost thoughts, private thoughts, hidden feelings, personal thoughts.

[编辑总结] Secret thoughts are the private and intimate feelings, desires, or worries that a person keeps to themselves. These thoughts may be hidden from others and can reveal a person's true emotions and inner struggles. It is important for individuals to share their secret thoughts with trusted individuals in order to process and heal from them.


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