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Feasibility Analysis

[fiːzəˈbɪlɪti əˈnæləsɪs]

Noun. The process of evaluating the possibility and practicality of a proposed plan or project.


Example sentences:

1. We conducted a feasibility analysis to determine whether the new product would be profitable.


2. The government commissioned a feasibility analysis to assess the potential impact of building a new airport.


3. Before investing in the project, we need to conduct a thorough feasibility analysis.


4. The feasibility analysis showed that it would be too costly to implement the proposed changes.


5. Our team is currently working on a feasibility analysis for the expansion of our business into international markets.


Synonyms: viability assessment, cost-benefit analysis, practicality evaluation.

Editor's summary:

Feasibility analysis is an important process in decision-making, as it helps to determine whether a proposed plan or project is realistic and achievable. It involves evaluating various factors such as cost, resources, potential risks, and benefits. This allows individuals or organizations to make informed decisions based on evidence and data rather than assumptions. Other similar terms for feasibility analysis include viability assessment and cost-benefit analysis. As an editor, it is important to ensure that all information is accurate and presented in a clear and concise manner.


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