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Dictionary translation



[ˈdɪkʃənri trænzˈleɪʃən]


Dictionary translation is a process of converting words or phrases from one language to another. It involves understanding the meaning and context of the original text and accurately conveying it in the target language.


1. The dictionary translation for "hello" in Spanish is "hola". (西班牙语中“你好”的词典翻译是“hola”。)

2. The company hired a team of experts for the dictionary translation of their product descriptions into Chinese. (该公司聘请了一组专家来将他们的产品说明书进行词典翻译成中文。)

3. The dictionary translation of this phrase is not accurate, as it fails to capture the true meaning of the original text. (这个短语的词典翻译不准确,因为它没有捕捉到原文的真实含义。)

4. She specializes in dictionary translations from French to English, and her work is highly praised by her clients. (她擅长从法语到英语的词典翻译,她的工作受到客户的高度赞扬。)

5. The dictionary translation for this word can vary depending on the context and usage. (这个单词的词典翻译可以根据上下文和用法而有所不同。)


- Lexical Translation: This term refers to the translation of individual words or phrases in a dictionary.

- Bilingual Dictionary: This type of dictionary includes translations for words and phrases in two languages.

- Translation Memory: This is a database that stores previously translated text, which can be used for future dictionary translations.

- Machine Translation: This is the use of software or algorithms to automatically translate text from one language to another.

- Thesaurus: This is a reference book that provides synonyms and antonyms for words, often used by translators to find alternative words with similar meanings.


Dictionary translation is an essential tool for communication and understanding between different languages. It requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the ability to accurately convey the meaning and context of the original text. With the advancement of technology, machine translation has become more common, but it still cannot replace the expertise and nuance provided by human translators. As language continues to evolve, so does dictionary translation, making it an ever-changing field that requires constant adaptation and improvement.


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