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The meaning of "respectable" is to be admired or esteemed by others for one's good qualities or achievements.





"Respectable" is an adjective that describes someone or something as being worthy of respect or admiration. It can be used to describe a person, their actions, or their reputation. It can also be used to describe an organization, a profession, or a social class.


1. His respectable manner and kind heart made him well-liked by everyone he met. (他可敬的举止和善良的心使他受到每个人的喜爱。)

2. The company has a respectable reputation in the industry for its high-quality products and ethical business practices. (这家公司以其高质量的产品和道德经营方式在行业内享有可敬的声誉。)

3. Despite coming from humble beginnings, she has built a respectable career as a successful lawyer. (尽管出身卑微,她已经建立了一个可敬的职业生涯,成为一名成功的律师。)

4. He may not have much wealth, but he has earned the respect of his community through his charitable work and good deeds. (他可能没有多少财富,但通过他的慈善工作和善行,他赢得了社区的尊重。)

5. The restaurant is known for its respectable service and delicious food, making it a popular spot for special occasions. (这家餐厅以其可敬的服务和美味的食物而闻名,使其成为特殊场合的热门去处。)


1. Admirable - deserving respect and admiration (值得尊重和钦佩的)

2. Honorable - having or showing a high moral standard (具有或展示高尚道德标准的)

3. Esteemed - highly respected and admired (备受尊敬和钦佩的)

4. Reputable - having a good reputation (有良好声誉的)

5. Dignified - having or showing a composed or serious manner that earns respect (具有或展示出令人尊敬的沉着或严肃态度)


"Respectable" is a powerful word that conveys admiration and esteem towards someone or something. It is often used to describe individuals who possess good qualities and have earned the respect of others through their actions or achievements. When used to describe organizations or professions, it implies a strong reputation and high standards of conduct. Other words with similar meanings can be used as alternatives, but "respectable" remains a versatile and widely recognized term that embodies the concept of being worthy of respect and admiration.


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