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Audience positioning in English refers to the process of identifying and targeting a specific group of people who share common characteristics or interests. This can include demographic factors such as age, gender, education level, and geographic location, as well as psychographic factors like values, beliefs, and behaviors.


/ˈɔːdiəns ˌpəʊzɪʃənɪŋ/



Audience positioning is an important strategy for businesses and organizations to effectively reach their target market. By understanding the needs and preferences of their audience, they can tailor their marketing messages and products to better resonate with them. This can lead to increased brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth.


1. Our company used audience positioning to successfully launch our new product line targeting young adults.


2. As a language learning app, we use audience positioning to target specific age groups and offer personalized lessons.


3. The marketing team conducted extensive research on our audience's preferences before launching the new campaign.


4. By understanding our audience's values and beliefs, we were able to create messaging that resonated with them.


5. The success of our event was largely due to our effective audience positioning and targeting.



1. Targeting: This refers to the process of focusing on a specific group or demographic for marketing purposes. It is often used interchangeably with audience positioning.

2. Segmentation: This involves dividing a larger market into smaller groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors. Audience positioning is a form of segmentation.

3. Market research: This is the process of gathering and analyzing data about consumers, their preferences, and behaviors in order to make informed business decisions.

4. Persona: A persona is a fictional representation of a target customer based on market research and audience positioning. It helps businesses understand their audience's needs and tailor their messaging accordingly.


Audience positioning is an essential tool for businesses and organizations to effectively reach their target market. By understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of their audience, they can create targeted marketing strategies that resonate with them. Through effective audience positioning, businesses can increase brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and drive overall business growth.


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