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Take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together.

怎么读(音标):[teɪk ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ əv iːtʃ ʌðərz strɛŋθs ænd ɪmˈpruːv təˈgɛðər]



例句1:We should take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together to achieve our common goals.(我们应该利用彼此的优势,共同提高,以实现我们的共同目标。)

例句2:As a team, we need to take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together in order to succeed.(作为一个团队,我们需要利用彼此的优势,共同提高,才能取得成功。)

例句3:In order to stay competitive, companies should encourage their employees to take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together.(为了保持竞争力,公司应该鼓励员工利用彼此的优势,共同提高。)

例句4:Collaboration between different departments is essential for the company's growth. We should take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together.(公司发展必须要有不同部门之间的合作。我们应该利用彼此的优势,共同提高。)

例句5:As individuals, we can also take advantage of each other's strengths and improve together by learning from one another.(作为个人,我们也可以通过相互学习,利用彼此的优势,共同提高。)

同义词及用法:mutual benefit(相互利益),collaboration(合作),cooperation(协作),teamwork(团队合作)



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