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Friendship is the state of being friends with someone, a relationship between two people who care about each other and support each other.





Friendship is a noun that describes the relationship between friends. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is characteristic of or suitable for friends.


1. Our friendship has lasted for over 20 years. (我们的友谊已经持续了20多年。)

2. She values her friendships more than anything else in life. (她把友谊看得比生活中的任何事情都重要。)

3. True friendship means being there for each other through thick and thin. (真正的友谊意味着在彼此困难时互相支持。)

4. They have a strong bond of friendship that cannot be broken easily. (他们有着牢不可破的友谊纽带。)

5. The two countries have built a lasting friendship based on mutual trust and respect. (这两个建立了基于相互信任和尊重的持久友谊。)


1. Companionship: the state of being companions or friends, often used to describe a close relationship between two people.

2. Camaraderie: mutual trust and friendship among people who spend time together.

3. Fellowship: friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.

4. Amity: a friendly and peaceful relationship between two countries or groups.

5. Affection: a feeling of liking and caring for someone, often used to describe the bond between close friends.


Friendship is an important aspect of human relationships, and it is often said that true friends are like family. It is a bond that brings people together, provides support, and enriches our lives. In English, there are various words to describe this special relationship, each with its own unique connotations. As an editor and translator, it is important to understand the subtle differences between these words in order to accurately convey their meanings.


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