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Friendship Connection

[frend-ship kuh-nek-shuhn]




1. Friendship connection is a vital part of our lives, it brings us joy and comfort when we need it the most.(友情连接是我们生活中重要的一部分,它在我们最需要时给予我们快乐和安慰。)

2. Our friendship connection has stood the test of time, we have been there for each other through thick and thin. (我们的友情连接经受住了时间的考验,无论是顺境还是逆境,我们都彼此支持。)

3. She values friendship connection above everything else, she believes it is the key to a happy and fulfilling life.(她把友情连接看得比其他任何东西都重要,她相信这是幸福和充实生活的关键。)

4. The friendship connection between these two artists is evident in their collaborative work, they complement each other's strengths perfectly.(这两位艺术家之间的友情连接在他们合作的作品中显而易见,他们完美地补充了彼此的优点。)

5. A strong friendship connection can withstand any distance or time apart, it only grows stronger with each passing day.(一段牢固的友情连接可以经受住任何距离或分离的考验,它随着每一天的过去而变得更加坚不可摧。)


1. Companionship(n. 陪伴)- refers to the state of being together with someone, usually for mutual support or enjoyment.

2. Camaraderie(n. 同志情谊)- describes a feeling of trust and friendship among a group of people who share a common interest or goal.

3. Bond(n. 纽带)- emphasizes the strong connection between two people, often formed through shared experiences or emotions.

4. Fellowship(n. 友谊)- refers to a friendly association between people who share similar interests or beliefs.

5. Kinship(n. 亲情)- describes a close relationship between individuals who are related by blood or marriage.



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