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Meaning: A word is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more spoken sounds or written symbols.

Pronunciation: /wərd/

Usage: A word can be used to express an idea, concept, or object. It can also be used to form sentences and communicate with others. Words are the basic building blocks of language and are essential for effective communication.

Example Sentences:

1. I couldn't find the right words to express my feelings.


2. The English language has over a million words.


3. Please use your words instead of throwing a tantrum.


4. Can you spell that word for me?


5. The word "love" has many different meanings and uses.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Term - often used in formal or technical contexts

2. Vocabulary - refers to the entire set of words known by an individual or group

3. Expression - can refer to a single word or a phrase used to convey an idea

4. Lexeme - refers to the abstract unit of meaning represented by a word

5. Utterance - refers to any spoken or written expression

Editor's Summary:

Words are essential for communication and understanding in any language. They carry meaning, convey ideas, and help us express ourselves effectively. With over a million words in the English language, there is always room for expanding our vocabulary and finding new ways to use them in our daily lives.


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