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1. I always keep a dictionary on my desk so that I can look up new words when I come across them. 我总是把一本词典放在桌子上,这样我就可以在遇到新单词时查阅它们。

2. The dictionary tells you the meaning of a word, how to pronounce it, and how to use it in a sentence. 词典会告诉你一个单词的含义、如何发音以及如何在句子中使用它。

3. With the help of an online dictionary, language learners can easily access various resources and improve their vocabulary. 在线词典可以帮助语言学习者轻松获得各种资源,并提高他们的词汇量。

4. My English teacher advised me to read the dictionary every day in order to expand my knowledge of the language. 我的英语老师建议我每天阅读词典,以扩大我的语言知识。

5. The dictionary is an essential tool for translators as it provides accurate definitions and synonyms for words in different languages. 对于翻译人员来说,词典是必不可少的工具,因为它提供了不同语言中单词的准确定义和同义词。


1. Thesaurus: a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts, often used to find alternative words or expressions.

2. Lexicon: a book that contains an alphabetical list of words with their meanings, often used for specialized fields such as science or law.

3. Glossary: a list of technical terms or difficult words with their definitions, usually found at the end of a book or article.

4. Vocabulary: all the words known and used by a particular person or group, often used to refer to a person's level of language proficiency.

5. Terminology: the specialized vocabulary used in a particular field or subject, often used to refer to technical or scientific terms.




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