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effortful learning

/ˈɛfərtfəl ˈlɜrnɪŋ/


the act of putting in a great amount of effort and dedication towards learning something


1. She was praised for her effortful learning and determination to improve her grades.


2. In order to achieve success, one must engage in effortful learning and constantly strive to improve oneself.


3. Effortful learning is key to mastering a new language.


4. The students were commended for their effortful learning and dedication to their studies.


5. Effortful learning requires persistence and hard work, but the rewards are worth it.


Synonyms: diligent learning, dedicated studying, hardworking education

Effortful learning is the process of actively engaging in studying or acquiring new knowledge or skills through consistent and persistent effort. It involves putting in a great amount of time, energy, and dedication towards achieving a specific goal or improving oneself.

Effortful learning is crucial for success in any endeavor. Whether it be mastering a new language, excelling academically, or developing new skills, it requires determination and hard work. It is not just about memorizing information, but also actively understanding and applying it.

Some people may have a natural aptitude for learning, but effortful learning is something that can be developed and improved upon through practice and dedication. It involves setting specific goals, creating a plan of action, and consistently putting in the effort to achieve those goals.

Effortful learning is not an easy task, and it requires persistence and resilience. There will be challenges and setbacks along the way, but the key is to keep pushing forward and not giving up. The rewards of effortful learning are not just limited to academic or career success, but also personal growth and development.

In summary, effortful learning is the act of actively engaging in studying or acquiring new knowledge or skills through consistent and persistent effort. It is crucial for success in any endeavor and can be developed through dedication and hard work. So keep striving towards your goals and never s learning!


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