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Strengthened supervision



/ˈstreŋθənd sʌpərˈvɪʒən/


Strengthened supervision refers to the act of increasing or improving the level of monitoring and control over a particular activity or process. It involves implementing stricter measures and closer oversight in order to ensure that rules, regulations, and standards are being followed.


1. The government has implemented strengthened supervision over food safety in order to protect consumers from harmful products. (已经加强了对食品安全的监督,以保护消费者免受有害产品的影响。)

2. The company has faced increased scrutiny from regulators due to their lack of strengthened supervision over their manufacturing processes. (由于公司缺乏对生产流程的加强监督,监管对其进行了更严格的审查。)

3. The school district has implemented strengthened supervision over student behavior in order to maintain a safe learning environment for all students. (学区已经加强了对学生行为的监督,以保持所有学生的安全学习环境。)

4. The financial crisis could have been avoided if there had been stronger strengthened supervision over the banking industry. (如果银行业有更强的加强监督措施,金融危机本可以避免。)

5. In response to recent security breaches, the company has implemented strengthened supervision over their data protection measures. (针对最近发生的安全漏洞,该公司已经加强了对数据保护措施的监督。)


- Enhanced oversight: This refers to an increased level of monitoring and control over a particular activity or process.

- Tightened regulation: This involves implementing stricter rules and regulations in order to improve supervision and control.

- Increased surveillance: This refers to the act of closely watching and monitoring a situation or activity in order to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.

- Strengthened monitoring: This involves improving the level of tracking and observing a particular process or activity in order to ensure its proper functioning.


加强监督的英文"strengthened supervision"是指提高或改进对特定活动或流程的监控和水平。它涉及实施更严格的措施和更紧密的监督,以确保遵守规章制度和标准。加强监督可以应用于各种领域,如监管、企业管理、学校教育等,旨在确保安全、合规和有效运作。除了"strengthened supervision"外,还有许多同义词可以用来表达类似的含义,如"enhanced oversight"、"tightened regulation"、"increased surveillance"和"strengthened monitoring"。通过加强监督,可以有效提升管理水平,并避免潜在的危机和风险。


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