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Meaning: The term "profile map" refers to a graphical representation of the cross-section of an object or area, typically used in engineering or geology to show the shape and elevation of the terrain.


Pronunciation: /prəʊfaɪl mæp/

Usage: The profile map is an important tool for engineers and geologists to understand the ography and features of a specific area. It can also be used for planning construction projects or analyzing geological formations.

Example Sentences:

1. The engineer studied the profile map carefully before starting the construction project.


2. The geologist used a profile map to study the layers of rock in the area.


3. The profile map showed a steep slope on one side of the mountain.


4. The surveyor used a profile map to measure the elevation changes along the river.


5. The profile map revealed that there was a fault line running through the area.


Synonyms and Usage: Other terms that can be used interchangeably with "profile map" include cross-section, transect, or longitudinal section. These terms are commonly used in engineering, geology, and architecture to describe a graphical representation of an object or area.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, a profile map is a visual representation of an object or area's cross-section, typically used in engineering and geology. It is pronounced as /prəʊfaɪl mæp/ and can be used to study ography, plan construction projects, or analyze geological formations. Other terms that can be used interchangeably with "profile map" include cross-section, transect, or longitudinal section.


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