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1. Definition: A unit of language that carries meaning and can be combined with other words to form sentences.


2. Pronunciation: /wərd/

3. Usage: Noun

4. Example Sentences:

1) He struggled to find the right words to express his feelings.

2) She has a large vocabulary and knows many different words.

3) The word "love" can have multiple meanings.

4) The teacher asked the students to define the new vocabulary words.

5) Can you spell this word for me?

5. Synonyms and Usage:

- Term: A word or phrase used to describe a particular thing or idea.

- Example: The scientific term for "water" is H2O.

- Expression: A group of words that have a specific meaning when used together.

- Example: "Break a leg" is an expression often used to wish someone good luck.

6. Editor's Summary:

Words are the building blocks of language and can be combined in endless ways to convey complex ideas and emotions. They are essential for effective communication and can have multiple meanings depending on context. It is important to continuously expand one's vocabulary in order to express oneself accurately and precisely.


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