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1.连界是指两个或多个事物之间的接触面或交界处。连界的读音为lián jiè,是一个双音节词汇。

2.连界的读音为/lián jiè/,其中“lián”的发音为第一声,即平声,“jiè”的发音为第四声,即去声。






连界:boundary; border; interface

怎么读:how to pronounce

1.Boundary refers to the contact surface or junction between two or more things. The pronunciation of boundary is lián jiè, which is a disyllabic word.

2.The pronunciation of boundary is /lián jiè/, with "lián" pronounced as the first tone, and "jiè" as the fourth tone.

3.In ancient times, boundary was often used to refer to the border or territorial boundary between two countries. For example: "The two countries have drawn a new boundary line at sea."

4.Boundary can also be used to describe the connection or association between two things. For example: "This film successfully combines action and romance, two different types of elements."

5.Boundary can also refer to the intersection between different disciplines, academic schools or cultural backgrounds within a certain field. For example: "This book covers multiple fields such as history, politics, and economics, showing the boundaries between them."

6.Word formation: connection, border, junction, association, combination

7.Chinese-English translation:

连界:boundary; border; interface

怎么读:how to pronounce

In summary, boundary refers to the contact surface or junction between two or more things. It can also describe the connection or intersection between different disciplines or cultural backgrounds. The pronunciation of boundary is lián jiè and it is a disyllabic word with "lián" pronounced as the first tone and "jiè" as the fourth tone.


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