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1. 别偷懒! (bié tōu lǎn)


Meaning: Don't be lazy!

Usage: This phrase is used to remind someone not to be lazy or to encourage them to work harder.

Example Sentences:

1. Don't be lazy and finish your homework before going out to play. (别偷懒,出去玩前把作业做完。)

2. I know it's tempting to procrastinate, but remember, don't be lazy! (我知道拖延很诱人,但记住,别偷懒!)

3. If you want to succeed, you can't be lazy. (想要成功,就不能偷懒。)

4. Don't be lazy and make excuses, just get the job done. (别偷懒找借口,把工作完成就好。)

5. Being successful takes hard work, so don't be lazy! (成功需要努力,所以别偷懒!)


- 不要懒惰 (bù yào lǎn duò)

- 不要怠惰 (bù yào dài duò)

Editor's Summary:

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get overwhelmed and tempted to procrastinate or take shortcuts. However, this phrase serves as a reminder that success requires hard work and dedication, and being lazy will only hinder one's progress. So next time you feel like slacking off, remember: 别偷懒!


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