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Profit Growth Point

[ˈprɒfɪt ˈɡrəʊθ pɔɪnt]

Noun. A specific area or aspect of a business that has the potential to increase profits.


Example Sentences:

1. Our marketing department has identified social media advertising as a key profit growth point for our company.


2. The CEO's new strategy focuses on expanding into emerging markets as a profit growth point for the company.


3. The sales team is constantly looking for new profit growth points to boost our revenue.


4. Investing in research and development has proven to be a successful profit growth point for many companies.


5. The company's expansion into e-commerce has become a major profit growth point, with online sales increasing by 50% in the past year.



1. Revenue generator

2. Profit booster

3. Income driver

4. Money maker

5. Cash cow


Profit growth points are essential for any business looking to increase their profits and stay competitive in the market. Identifying and utilizing these points can lead to significant revenue growth and overall success for a company. It is important for businesses to continuously evaluate and adapt their strategies to maximize their profit growth points.


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