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英文释义:To share or alleviate someone's worries or anxieties.

读音:/fɪn dɪˈzɔɪ/



例句1:She always knows how to divide and distribute the burdens of her friends and help them through tough times. (她总是知道如何分担朋友们的负担,帮助他们度过难关。)

例句2:It's important to have friends who can share your worries and make you feel less alone. (有朋友可以分享你的忧虑,并让你感觉不那么孤单是很重要的。)

例句3:We should all learn how to take turns comforting each other and dividing our anxieties. (我们都应该学会轮流安慰彼此,分担我们的焦虑。)

例句4:I'm so grateful for my partner who always listens and helps me divide my worries. (我非常感激我的伴侣,他总是倾听并帮助我分担我的忧愁。)

例句5:The support group was a safe space for people to share their struggles and divide their sorrows with others who understood. (这个支持小组是一个安全的空间,让人们可以与理解他们的他人分享自己的挣扎,分担自己的悲伤。)

同义词及用法:share, alleviate, ease, lessen, relieve



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