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The meaning of how to say "出国" in English is to go abroad or to travel to another country.


Pronunciation: chū guó



"出国" is a verb that means to leave one's own country and travel to another country. It can also be used as a noun, referring to the act of going abroad.


1. 我很想出国旅行,但是我没有足够的钱。(I really want to go abroad, but I don't have enough money.)

2. 她去年出国留学了,现在已经可以流利地说英语了。(She went abroad for studying last year and now she can speak English fluently.)

3. 我们一起去日本旅游吧,这是我的第一次出国旅行。(Let's go on a trip to Japan together, it's my first time going abroad.)

4. 他的梦想是出国工作,所以他开始学习英语。(His dream is to work abroad, so he started learning English.)

5. 出国旅行可以让你体验不同的文化和风土人情。(Travelling abroad can give you the experience of different cultures and customs.)


1. 去外国 (to go overseas)

2. 赴外 (to go abroad)

3. 出境 (to leave one's own country)

4. 远行 (to travel far away)

5. 游历 (to travel)


"出国" is a commonly used word in Chinese, which means to go abroad or to travel to another country. It can be used as a verb or a noun, and there are many synonyms that have similar meanings. When using this word, it's important to pay attention to the context and choose the appropriate synonym accordingly.


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