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Export Buyer's Credit


读音:[ɪkˈspɔːt ˈbaɪərz ˈkrɛdɪt]


例句1:The government of Country A has offered export buyer's credit to help Country B purchase their agricultural products.

例句2:The company secured an export buyer's credit from a bank in order to finance the purchase of raw materials for their production.

例句3:Export buyer's credit is an important tool for developing countries to finance their imports and stimulate economic growth.

例句4:With the help of export buyer's credit, the small business was able to expand its operations and increase its exports to new markets.

例句5:The use of export buyer's credit has greatly facilitated international trade and boosted economic development in many countries.


1. Trade Financing - 这是一个更广泛的术语,包括所有形式的融资,包括出口买方信贷。

2. Import Financing - 这是指为进口商品提供资金支持的一种融资形式。

3. Supplier Credit - 这是指由出口商直接向进口商提供的延期付款或分期付款的信贷形式。

4. Export Credit Agency (ECA) - 这是指由出口国或提供的出口信贷服务。

5. Letter of Credit (LC) - 这是一种由银行向进口商提供的付款保障,用于确保出口商能够收到货款。


出口买方信贷是国际贸易中常用的一种融资工具,为进口商提供长期低息贷款,促进国际贸易和经济发展。它有助于解决进口商因缺乏资金而无法购买出口商品的问题,同时也为出口商提供了稳定的收入来源。同义词包括Trade Financing、Import Financing、Supplier Credit等,而Letter of Credit则是一种与之相似但稍有不同的融资形式。在国际贸易中,了解和灵活运用这些融资工具可以帮助企业更好地开展业务并实现双赢局面。


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