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You Must Hate Me.

[juː mʌst heɪt mi]


This phrase is a direct statement expressing the speaker's belief that the listener has strong negative feelings towards them. It can be used in a confrontational or self-deprecating manner.


Example Sentences:

1. You must hate me for forgetting your birthday again.


2. I know you must hate me for always being late.


3. You must hate me for ruining your plans.


4. I'm sorry, you must hate me for causing so much trouble.


5. Do you really think I'm that terrible? You must hate me.


Synonyms and Usage:

- You probably despise me.

- I bet you loathe me.

- I can imagine how much you detest me.

Editor's Note:

The phrase "You Must Hate Me." is a commonly used expression in both spoken and written English, often used in informal contexts among friends or family members. It is important to note that this phrase should not be used lightly as it can come across as confrontational or self-deprecating depending on the tone and context in which it is used. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of the listener's feelings when using this phrase, as it can potentially cause hurt or offense if not used carefully.


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