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Meaning: To shamelessly demand for more.

Pronunciation: /hiː wʊnˈʃeɪmli dɪˈmænd fɔː mɔː/


Usage: Used to describe someone who asks for more without any shame or hesitation.

Example Sentences:

1. He has no sense of decency, constantly demanding for more even when he has already been given enough.

2. She shamelessly demanded for more money, even though she had not completed the task properly.

3. The CEO's greed knew no bounds as he shamelessly demanded for more profits from his employees.

4. Despite being caught red-handed, the corrupt politician continued to demand for more bribes.

5. The spoiled child always demands for more toys and treats, never satisfied with what he already has.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Insatiable - having an insatiable appetite or desire for something; used to describe someone who is never satisfied and always wants more.

2. Greedy - having a strong desire for wealth, possessions, or food; used to describe someone who is selfish and always wants more than they need.

3. Avaricious - having an extreme desire for wealth or material gain; used to describe someone who is extremely greedy and never satisfied with what they have.

4. Voracious - having a very eager approach to an activity; used to describe someone who is always hungry or thirsty for something and never seems to have enough.

5. Rapacious - aggressively greedy or grasping; used to describe someone who takes advantage of others in order to satisfy their own desires.

Editor's Summary:

To be shameless in one's demands means to have no sense of decency or morality when asking for more than what is necessary or fair. This behavior can be described using words such as insatiable, greedy, avaricious, voracious, or rapacious. It is important to be mindful of our actions and not let our desires consume us, leading us to shamelessly demand for more.


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