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1. 人民的英文怎么说的意思:

People's English refers to the language used by the general population or common people in a particular country or community. It is often contrasted with formal or academic English, which is used by educated individuals or in official settings.


2. 怎么读(音标):

/ˈpiːplz ɪŋɡlɪʃ/

3. 用法:

People's English is a colloquial form of English that is used in everyday conversations and informal situations. It may include slang, idioms, and regional variations, making it more relatable and understandable for the average person.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) The government should make policies that are easy for people to understand and follow.


2) People's English has evolved over time with the influence of different cultures and languages.


3) Can you explain this in people's English? I don't understand all these technical terms.


4) In order to connect with the audience, the speaker used people's English instead of formal language.


5) Learning people's English can help you communicate better with locals when traveling abroad.


5. 同义词及用法:

- Common English: This term is often used interchangeably with People's English and refers to the language used by ordinary people.

- Everyday English: Similar to People's English, this term also describes the language used in everyday conversations and informal situations.

- Colloquial English: This refers to informal or conversational language that is specific to a particular region or social group. It may include slang, idioms, and other informal expressions.

- Vernacular English: This term is used to describe the everyday language spoken by a group of people in a particular region or community.

6. 编辑总结:

People's English is an important aspect of language learning as it allows individuals to communicate effectively with the general population and understand their culture and way of life. It is constantly evolving and influenced by various factors such as geography, history, and social interactions. Learning People's English can also help individuals break down barriers and connect with people from different backgrounds.


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