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1. 人民的英文:People


2. 怎么读(音标):[ˈpiːpl]

3. 用法:作为可数名词,指代一个、城市或社区中的所有居民。也可以作为不可数名词,指代整个人类。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. The people of this country are known for their hospitality. 这个的人民以好客著称。

2. The government should always listen to the voice of the people. 应该时刻倾听人民的声音。

3. The people living in this city are very friendly and welcoming. 这座城市的居民非常友好和热情。

4. People from all over the world gathered to celebrate the festival together. 来自世界各地的人们聚集在一起共同庆祝这个节日。

5. The rights and well-being of the people should always be a priority for any government. 任何都应该把人民的权利和福祉放在首位。

5. 同义词及用法:

- Citizens: 指代一个或城市中具有公民身份的居民,强调其法律地位和义务。:All citizens have the right to vote in this election.

- Inhabitants: 指代一个特定地区或建筑物内居住的人,强调其居住地点。:The inhabitants of this village live a simple life.

- Population: 指代一个、城市或地区的总人口数量。:The population of this city is growing rapidly.

- Community: 指代一个社区或群体中的所有成员,强调其共同的利益和。:We should work together to build a stronger community.

- Folk: 通常用来指代一群具有共同文化和传统的人,也可以指代普通。:The folk music of this region is very unique.

6. 编辑总结:



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