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Human is not perfect

[ˈhjuːmən ɪz nɒt ˈpə:fɛkt]

Noun. A phrase used to express the idea that no one is perfect and everyone has flaws.


Example sentences:

1. Despite his achievements, he still believes that human is not perfect and there is always room for improvement.


2. We should learn to accept our imperfections because human is not perfect.


3. The saying "human is not perfect" reminds us to be humble and understanding towards others.


4. As a leader, she understands that human is not perfect and allows her team members to make mistakes and learn from them.


5. It's important to remember that human is not perfect and we should not expect perfection from ourselves or others.


Synonyms: imperfect, flawed, fallible, faulty.

Usage: The phrase "human is not perfect" can be used in various contexts, such as personal growth, relationships, or even in the workplace to remind people that it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

Editor's summary:

In conclusion, the phrase "human is not perfect" serves as a reminder that no one is perfect and it's important to accept our imperfections and strive for continuous improvement. It encourages humility, understanding, and growth in personal and professional aspects of life.


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