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1. 人无完人。 (rén wú wán rén)

Meaning: No one is perfect; everyone has flaws.


Usage: This phrase is often used to remind people that it is normal to have imperfections and that no one should strive for perfection.


- 中文:人无完人,我们应该接受自己的不足。

English: No one is perfect, we should accept our flaws.

2. Synonyms:

- 英文:Nobody's perfect


3. Example Sentences:

- 中文:虽然人无完人,但我们可以努力变得更好。

English: Although nobody's perfect, we can strive to become better.

- 中文:每个人都有自己的缺点,这是因为人无完人。

English: Everyone has their own flaws, because nobody's perfect.

- 中文:虽然他是一位天才,但他也不例外,因为人无完人。

English: Although he is a genius, he is not an exception because nobody's perfect.

- 中文:我们不能要求别人完美,因为人无完人。

English: We cannot expect others to be perfect because nobody's perfect.

- 中文:尽管她有缺点,但她仍然很优秀。这证明了“人无完人”的道理。

English: Despite her flaws, she is still excellent. This proves the saying "nobody's perfect".

4. Editor's Summary:

"Nobody's perfect" or "no one is perfect" are commonly used phrases to express the idea that everyone has flaws and imperfections. It is important to accept and embrace our imperfections rather than striving for an unattainable perfection. This phrase serves as a reminder to be kind and understanding towards ourselves and others.


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