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Misfortune, life's twists and turns.

[ˌmɪsˈfɔːrtʃuːn, laɪfs twɪsts ənd tɜːns]

Noun. The unexpected occurrence of events that are contrary to one's wishes or plans, often leading to disappointment or hardship.


Example sentences:

1. Despite her best efforts, fate seemed to conspire against her and everything went wrong. (尽管她尽力了,命运似乎与她作对,一切都出了错。)

2. It was a cruel twist of fate that they had finally found each other, only to be separated by circumstances beyond their control. (他们终于找到彼此,却被命运的捉弄分开。)

3. The team's hopes for victory were dashed when their star player got injured in the first few minutes of the game - talk about misfortune! (球队的胜利希望在比赛开始几分钟内就因为明星球员受伤而破灭了 - 真是造化弄人啊!)

4. She couldn't help but feel like the universe was playing a cruel joke on her, as she watched her dreams crumble before her eyes. (当她看着梦想在眼前破灭时,她不禁觉得宇宙在跟她开玩笑。)

5. Just when he thought things were finally going his way, a series of unfortunate events turned his life upside down - such is the nature of misfortune. (就在他以为事情终于顺利时,一连串不幸的让他的生活颠倒了 - 这就是造化弄人的本质。)

Synonyms: adversity, setback, stroke of bad luck, mishap.

Usage: Misfortune can strike anyone at any time, so it's important to always be prepared for the unexpected.

Editor's summary: Misfortune is a universal experience that can happen to anyone, at any time. It refers to the unexpected events that go against one's wishes or plans, often leading to disappointment or hardship. Despite our best efforts, life can still throw us a curveball - such is the nature of misfortune.


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