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Chinese government's lack of effort in the Doha Round

[ʧaɪ'ni:z 'gʌvənməntz ˈlæk ɔv 'efət ɪn ðə 'doʊhɑ raʊnd]


The phrase "Chinese government's lack of effort in the Doha Round" refers to the failure or lack of action by the Chinese government in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations, which is a series of trade talks under the World Trade Organization (WTO).


Example sentences:

1. Despite being one of the major players in global trade, the Chinese government has been criticized for its lack of effort in pushing for progress in the Doha Round negotiations.


2. The failure to reach a comprehensive agreement in the Doha Round can be partly attributed to China's lack of effort and leadership.


3. China's reluctance to make concessions and its lack of effort have caused frustration among other WTO members.


4. The Chinese government's lack of effort in addressing key issues such as agricultural subsidies and market access has hindered progress in the Doha Round.


5. Many developing countries have expressed disappointment over China's lack of effort in pushing for a fairer and more balanced outcome in the Doha Round.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Chinese government's lack of commitment in the Doha Round - this phrase can be used interchangeably with "lack of effort" to describe China's lack of dedication or determination in the negotiations.

2. Chinese government's failure to engage in the Doha Round - this phrase emphasizes China's failure to actively participate or get involved in the negotiations.

3. Chinese government's reluctance to cooperate in the Doha Round - this phrase highlights China's unwillingness or hesitation to cooperate with other WTO members in reaching a consensus.

4. Chinese government's passive stance on the Doha Round - this phrase suggests that China has not taken a proactive approach towards advancing the negotiations.

5. Chinese government's nonchalance towards the Doha Round - this phrase implies that China has shown indifference or lack of interest towards the negotiations.

Editor's summary:

The phrase "Chinese government's lack of effort in the Doha Round" is commonly used to describe China's insufficient contribution or involvement in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations under the WTO. It can also be expressed using synonyms such as "lack of commitment", "failure to engage", "reluctance to cooperate", "passive stance", or "nonchalance". Despite being one of the major players in global trade, China has been criticized for its lack of effort and leadership in pushing for progress in the Doha Round.


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