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hóng xìng zhī tóu (hóng yìng zhī tóu)

3. 红杏枝头的用例:






4. 红杏枝头的组词:


5. 红杏枝头是什么意思?Red apricot twig refers to women's hair, which is usually used to describe the thick, soft and shiny hair of women.


This term first appeared in the lyrics of Song Dynasty poet Su Shi's "Shui Diao Ge Tou": "Red apricot twig full of spring, little maid drunk in the flowers." Later on, it gradually spread and was widely used in literary works and daily language.

In literary works, red apricot twigs are often used to describe women's beauty and charm. For example, in "The Romance of the Western Chamber", there is a line "Red apricot twigs reflect light, green jade skin feels cold", expressing the beauty of the female protagonist Li Xiangjun. In daily language, it is also often used to praise women's beauty and charm.

Red apricot twig's pronunciation:

hóng xìng zhī tóu (hóng yìng zhī tóu)

Red apricot twig's usage:

Example sentence 1: She was wearing a plain dress, with long hair down to her shoulders and a red apricot twig on her head, radiating a charming light in the sunlight.

Example sentence 2: Her red apricot twig makes people can't help but want to touch it.

Example sentence 3: This actress's red apricot twig has become the new favorite in the fashion industry.

Example sentence 4: Her red apricot twig sways gently in the breeze, like a painting.

Example sentence 5: She keeps a red apricot twig on her head, giving people a fresh and elegant feeling.

Red apricot twig's compound words:

Red apricot twig hair, red apricot twig makeup, red apricot twig accessories, red apricot twig perm, red apricot twigs updo

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:

红杏枝头是一种比喻性的说法,指的是女性的头发。它最早出现在宋代诗人苏轼的词作中,后来逐渐流传开来,并被广泛运用于文学作品和日常语言中。红杏枝头常被用来赞美女性的美丽和娇媚,在文学作品中也经常被用来描写女性的美貌。它的读音是hóng xìng zhī tóu (hóng yìng zhī tóu),组词有红杏枝头发、红杏枝头妆、红杏枝头饰等。总的来说,红杏枝头是一个富有诗意的词语,它让人联想到女性美丽的形象,具有一定的艺术性和文学性。


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