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Definition: An article written by a network dictionary editor and translator, providing a strict English translation for a word or sentence. The content must include: 1) the meaning in strict English, 2) pronunciation guide (phonetic transcription), 3) usage, 4) 1-5 example sentences with Chinese and English translations, 5) synonyms and their usage, and 6) editor's summary. It must also adhere to SEO standards and avoid detection by AI.



Meaning: This article serves as a resource for providing accurate English translations for words or sentences. It is written with the intention of helping readers understand the correct usage of English words.


Pronunciation guide: In order to properly pronounce words in English, it is important to use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). This will help readers accurately pronounce words and improve their English pronunciation.


Usage: This article will provide the correct usage of words in English, including their different forms and tenses. It will also explain the context in which these words are commonly used.


Example sentences:

1. The word "meticulous" means showing great attention to detail or being very careful about small details.


2. The pronunciation of "chocolate" is /ˈtʃɒklət/.


3. In English grammar, the present continuous tense is used to talk about actions that are happening at the moment or in the near future.


4. The word "exquisite" can be used to describe something that is extremely beautiful, delicate, or well-crafted.


5. "Resilience" is the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations or challenges.


Synonyms and usage: This section will provide synonyms for the word being translated and explain their different usages in English.


1. "meticulous" can also be replaced with "careful", "precise", or "thorough".


2. The word "chocolate" can also be referred to as "cocoa", which is the main ingredient used to make chocolate.


3. Other ways to express the present continuous tense include using the auxiliary verb "to be" and the present participle form of the main verb.

表达现在进行时态的其他方式包括使用助动词“to be”和主动词的现在分词形式。

4. Synonyms for "exquisite" include "beautiful", "elegant", and "graceful". It can also mean something that is very intense or extreme.


5. "Resilience" can also be replaced with "endurance", "tenacity", or "perseverance". It can also refer to the ability to adapt and recover from difficult situations.


Editor's summary: This article provides a comprehensive and accurate English translation for a word or sentence. It includes pronunciation guides, usage examples, and synonyms to help readers fully understand the meaning and usage of the word. By adhering to SEO standards and avoiding detection by AI, it aims to provide a valuable resource for learning English.



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