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1. 音标:/ənˈkɒnvəntʃən/


例句1:It is a common convention to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. (第一次见面时握手是一种常见的约定俗成的规范。)


例句2:The convention of wearing black at funerals varies from culture to culture. (在葬礼上穿黑色衣服的习俗在不同文化中有所不同。)

例句3:There is no set convention for how to address your boss in this company. (在这家公司中,没有固定的规范来称呼你的老板。)

例句4:It's important to follow social conventions in order to avoid offending others. (遵守社会约定可以避免冒犯他人。)

例句5:The convention of using forks and knives while eating is not universal. (用餐时使用叉子和刀子的习俗并非普遍存在。)

同义词及用法:custom, tradition, practice


2. 音标:/ˈæb.sɜːd/


例句1:The idea of a flying pig is completely absurd. (飞猪的想法完全荒谬可笑。)

例句2:It's absurd to think that money can buy happiness. (认为钱可以买到幸福是毫无道理的。)

例句3:The whole situation is just absurd. (整个情况都太荒唐了。)

例句4:It's absurd to expect a child to sit still for hours. (期望孩子能坐几个小时不动是不现实的。)

例句5:The absurdity of the situation was not lost on anyone. (这种荒谬的情况没有一个人看不出来。)

同义词及用法:ridiculous, preposterous, nonsensical


3. 音标:/ˈfɔːsəm/


例句1:I'm getting really bored with this monotonous job. (我对这份单调乏味的工作已经厌倦了。)

例句2:The endless meetings were becoming tiresome. (没完没了的让人感到厌烦。)

例句3:I find his constant complaining very wearisome. (我觉得他经常抱怨很令人厌烦。)

例句4:The tedious paperwork made the job seem even more irksome. (枯燥的文书工作让这份工作变得更加厌恶。)

例句5:The monotonous routine of daily life can be quite wearisome. (日复一日的生活琐事可以让人感到非常厌倦。)

同义词及用法:tedious, monotonous, irksome


4. 音标:/ˈɪm.pɑːs/


例句1:She was shocked by the callousness of her boss's decision. (她对老板决定的无情感到震惊。)

例句2:The impasse between the two sides seemed impossible to resolve. (两方之间的僵局似乎无法解决。)

例句3:The impasse in negotiations was finally broken by a compromise. (谈判中的僵局最终被一项妥协打破。)

例句4:The lack of empathy from the police officers only worsened the situation. (缺乏同情心只会让情况变得更糟。)

例句5:His indifference towards his family's problems was disheartening. (他对家人问题的冷漠让人感到沮丧。)

同义词及用法:callousness, deadlock, apathy


5. 音标:/ˈɪn.tər.fɪər/


例句1:She didn't want to interfere with her children's lives too much. (她不想过多地干涉孩子们的生活。)

例句2:The loud music interfered with my ability to concentrate on my work. (大声音乐干扰了我专注于工作的能力。)

例句3:The new regulations could interfere with our plans for expansion. (新规定可能会影响我们的扩张计划。)

例句4:The constant interruptions were interfering with the flow of the meeting. (频繁的打断影响了的进行。)

例句5:He was warned not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. (他被告不要干涉其他的内政。)

同义词及用法:meddle, disrupt, hinder





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