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Force Majeure


/ˌfɔːs mæˈʒɜːr/


1. 不可抗力 (bù kě kàng lì) - Force Majeure; an unforeseeable and uncontrollable event, such as a natural disaster or political upheaval, that prevents someone from fulfilling a contract or obligation.

Example Sentences:

1. The company was unable to deliver the goods due to force majeure caused by the hurricane.


2. The concert was cancelled due to force majeure caused by the sudden illness of the lead singer.


3. The contract includes a clause for force majeure events, such as war or government regulations.


4. The hotel waived their cancellation fee due to the force majeure of a global pandemic.


5. The airline was not responsible for flight delays caused by force majeure events, such as severe weather conditions.



- Act of God

- Unforeseen circumstances

- Superior force

- Irresistible force

- Casus fortuitus


The term "force majeure" is often used in legal contracts and agreements to protect parties from unforeseen events that may prevent them from fulfilling their obligations. It is important to clearly define what events are considered force majeure and how they will be handled in the contract. In some cases, force majeure may excuse a party from performing their duties entirely, while in others it may only suspend the obligations until the event has passed.

Editor's Summary:

Force majeure is a legal term that refers to an unforeseeable and uncontrollable event that prevents someone from fulfilling a contract or obligation. It is important for businesses and individuals to include this clause in their contracts to protect themselves from potential losses caused by such events. When drafting a force majeure clause, it is crucial to clearly define what events are covered and how they will be handled.


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