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One thousand dollars in English.



[wʌn ˈθaʊzənd ˈdɒlərz]




1. She paid one thousand dollars for the designer handbag. 她花了一千美元买了这个设计师手提包。

2. The prize money for the competition is one thousand dollars. 这次比赛的奖金是一千美元。

3. He earns one thousand dollars a week at his new job. 他在新工作中每周挣一千美元。

4. The rent for the apartment is one thousand dollars per month. 这间公寓每月租金为一千美元。

5. The repair cost for the car was one thousand dollars, which was more than he expected. 车子的修理费用是一千美元,比他预计的要多。


1. Grand: This informal term is often used to refer to a sum of money that equals to one thousand dollars, such as "I owe you a grand."

2. K: This abbreviation is commonly used in informal contexts, especially in written communication, to represent one thousand dollars, such as "The new lap cost me 2K."

3. Large: This word can be used to describe a sum of money that is significant or substantial, such as "The company spent a large amount of money on the new project."

4. G: Similar to "K", this abbreviation is also commonly used in informal contexts to represent one thousand dollars, such as "I made 5G from selling my old car."

5. Thousand bucks: This slang term is often used in casual conversations to refer to one thousand dollars, such as "I need to save up a few thousand bucks for my trip."


一千美元是一种货币单位,通常用于表示大额货币。它是美国和其他许多的主要货币单位,也是世界上最重要的储备货币之一。除了正式的"one thousand dollars"外,还有许多同义词可以用来表示这个数额,如grand、K、large、G和thousand bucks等。在日常使用中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的表达方式。


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