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what took you so long?是什么意思

一、what took you so long?是什么意思的意思:

what took you so long?是什么意思



what [wɑːt] took [tʊk] you [juː] so [soʊ] long [lɔːŋ]


what took you so long?是一个日常口语用语,通常用于与朋友、家人或者同事之间的交流。它可以用来询问对方做某件事情花了多长时间,也可以表示自己的不满或者惊讶。


1. What took you so long? I've been waiting for you for an hour. (你怎么这么晚才来?我已经等了你一个小时了。)

2. Sorry, what took me so long was the heavy traffic on the road. (抱歉,我花了这么长时间是因为路上堵车。)

3. What took you so long to finish your report? It's already overdue. (你为什么花了这么长时间才完成报告?已经过期了。)

4. I thought we were going to be late, but what took us so long was the train delay. (我以为我们要迟到了,但是花了这么长时间是因为火车晚点。)

5. What took him so long to reply to my message? (他为什么花了这么长时间才回复我的消息?)


1. Why did it take you so long? (你为什么花了这么长时间?)

2. What's the reason for your delay? (你延误的原因是什么?)

3. How come you're so late? (你怎么这么晚?)

4. What held you up? (是什么耽搁了你?)

5. Why were you so slow? (你为什么这么慢?)


what took you so long?是一个常用的日常口语表达,用来询问对方做某件事情花费的时间或者表示自己的不满或者惊讶。它可以与其他同义词替换使用,但是在不同的语境下略有差异。在使用时,需要注意语气和语境,避免造成误解。


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