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1. forgive是指原谅,宽恕的意思。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。:I can't forgive him for what he did to me.(我不能原谅他对我所做的事情。)Forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.(请原谅我,我并不是有意伤害你的感情。)

2. forgive的读音为/fərˈɡɪv/。它的音标为[fərˈɡɪv],其中重音在第一个音节上。

3. forgive的用例:

例句1:She forgave her husband for his infidelity and they were able to save their marriage.(她原谅了丈夫的不忠,并且他们成功挽救了婚姻。)

例句2:It's important to learn how to forgive yourself for your mistakes in order to move on and grow as a person.(学会如何原谅自己犯下的错误很重要,这样才能继续前进并成长为一个更好的人。)

例句3:As a Christian, I believe in the power of forgiveness and try my best to forgive those who have wronged me.(作为一个基督徒,我相信宽恕的力量,并且尽力去原谅那些伤害过我的人。)

例句4:The victim's family found it difficult to forgive the murderer, even after he apologized and showed remorse for his actions.(受害者的家人很难原谅那个凶手,即使他道歉并对自己的行为表示悔恨。)

例句5:It took her a long time to forgive herself for the mistakes she made in her past, but eventually she was able to move on and find peace.(她花了很长时间才能原谅自己过去犯下的错误,但最终她能够继续前进并找到内心的平静。)

4. forgive可以与一些词组搭配使用,组成新的词汇,:

forgive and forget(原谅并忘记)

forgive someone's sins(宽恕某人的罪过)

forgive oneself(原谅自己)

forgive an offense(原谅一次冒犯)

5. forgive是一个常用动词,它在口语和书面语中都有使用。下面是forgive在中英文对照中的几个例子:

- Can you ever forgive me?(你能原谅我吗?)

- He refused to forgive his enemies.(他拒绝原谅他的敌人。)

- 她从不会原谅那些伤害过她的人。

- I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.(我希望你能够从心底里原谅我。)

6. 总结:forgive是一个表示“原谅,宽恕”的动词,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。它的读音为/fərˈɡɪv/,重音在第一个音节上。forgive的用法灵活多样,可以与一些词组搭配使用,forgive and forget(原谅并忘记)、forgive someone's sins(宽恕某人的罪过)等。它是一个常用的词汇,在口语和书面语中都有使用。


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