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1. fearful是什么意思?怎么用?


2. fearful是什么意思?怎么用?读音读法


3. fearful是什么意思?怎么用?的用例

1) She is fearful of spiders. (她害怕蜘蛛。)

2) The child was too fearful to go into the haunted house. (那个孩子太害怕了,不敢进入闹鬼屋。)

3) He had a fearful expression on his face when he saw the car accident. (当他看到车祸时,脸上露出了恐惧的表情。)

4) The villagers were in a state of fearful anticipation as the storm approached. (随着暴风雨的临近,村民们处于一种恐慌不安的状态。)

5) She is always fearful of losing her job, so she works extra hard to prove herself. (她总是担心失去工作,因此努力工作来证明自己。)

4. fearful是什么意思?怎么用?组词

- fearfully (副词)

- fearfulness (名词)

- fearless (形容词,表示“无畏的、勇敢的”)

- fear (动词,表示“害怕、担心”)

5. fearful是什么意思?怎么用?的中英文对照

fearful: 害怕的、恐惧的


1) She is fearful of spiders. 她害怕蜘蛛。

2) The child was too fearful to go into the haunted house. 那个孩子太害怕了,不敢进入闹鬼屋。

3) He had a fearful expression on his face when he saw the car accident. 当他看到车祸时,脸上露出了恐惧的表情。

4) The villagers were in a state of fearful anticipation as the storm approached. 随着暴风雨的临近,村民们处于一种恐慌不安的状态。

5) She is always fearful of losing her job, so she works extra hard to prove herself. 她总是担心失去工作,因此努力工作来证明自己。



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