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The five problems should be researched furtherly in ex


读音:[ðə faɪv ˈprɒbləmz ʃʊd biː rɪˈsɜːtʃt ˈfɜːðəli ɪn ɛks]


The five problems should be researched furtherly in ex


1. The five problems should be researched furtherly in order to find effective solutions. (为了找到有效的解决方案,这五个问题需要进一步研究。)

2. It is important to note that the five problems should be researched furtherly in practice, not just in theory. (值得注意的是,这五个问题需要在实践中进行进一步研究,而不仅仅是理论上的探讨。)

3. The research team will focus on the five problems and investigate them furtherly in their upcoming study. (研究团队将会把重点放在这五个问题上,并在即将进行的研究中对它们进行进一步调查。)

4. As a result of the initial findings, it was decided that the five problems should be researched furtherly to gain a deeper understanding of their causes. (基于初步,决定需要进一步研究这五个问题,以更深入地了解它们的原因。)

5. The five problems have been identified as crucial issues in the field and it is recommended that they should be researched furtherly for potential solutions. (这五个问题被认为是该领域的关键问题,建议对它们进行进一步研究以寻找潜在的解决方案。)


1. The five problems should be further investigated in practice.

2. It is necessary to conduct further research on the five problems.

3. The five problems require additional study in order to be fully understood.

4. It is imperative that the five problems are researched more thoroughly.

5. Further examination of the five problems is needed to find viable solutions.


总的来说,这句话强调了需要在实践中进一步研究这五个问题,以便更深入地了解它们并找到有效的解决方案。它可以作为提醒或建议,用于指出需要进一步研究的问题。同义词包括further investigation、additional study、more thorough research等,都强调了对这五个问题的进一步探索。因此,在撰写相关文章时,应该重点突出这五个问题需要进一步研究,并提出具体建议或展望。


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