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the famous brand是什么意思

一:the famous brand是什么意思的意思

the famous brand是指著名的品牌,通常指在市场上享有极高声誉和知名度的品牌。它着优质、高端和专业性,是消费者信赖和追捧的对象。


the famous brand [ðə ˈfeɪməs brænd]

the famous brand是什么意思


the famous brand作为一个独立的词组使用,通常用于修饰物品、产品或服务。它可以用来形容某个特定品牌在市场上的知名度和影响力,也可以用来比较不同品牌之间的声誉和认可度。


1. Apple is one of the most famous brands in the world, known for its innovative technology and sleek design. 苹果是世界上最著名的品牌之一,以其创新技术和时尚设计而闻名。

2. The famous brand of luxury cars has a loyal following among wealthy customers. 这个著名的豪华汽车品牌在富裕客户中拥有忠实的粉丝。

3. This new product is a collaboration between two famous brands, combining their expertise to create something unique. 这款新产品是两个知名品牌合作开发,结合了他们各自的专业知识,创造出独特的产品。

4. The famous brand of skincare products promises to deliver visible results in just two weeks. 这个著名的护肤品牌承诺在两周内就能看到明显的效果。

5. Many celebrities are often seen wearing the famous brand's designer dresses on the red carpet. 许多名人经常在红毯上穿着这个著名品牌的设计师服装。


1. renowned brand:also refers to a well-known and highly regarded brand, often used in formal contexts.

2. brand:refers to a leading or superior brand in a particular industry or market.

3. prestigious brand:emphasizes the prestige and reputation associated with a particular brand.

4. popular brand:refers to a widely recognized and favored brand among consumers.

5. reputable brand:suggests a trustworthy and reliable brand that has earned a good reputation over time.


the famous brand是一个常用的词组,用来形容享有声誉和知名度的品牌。它可以用于各种场合,包括商业、娱乐和日常生活。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该保持准确、简洁和易懂的表达方式,让读者能够轻松理解并运用这个词组。同时,在撰写内容时也要注意避免重复使用同义词,以免影响文章质量。


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