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2.elevation的读音为[iˌlɛˈveɪʃən],读作“ih-lev-ey-shuh n”。


1) The elevation of the mountain peak was over 5,000 meters.


2) The city's elevation makes it prone to flooding during heavy rains.


3) The airplane reached an elevation of 30,000 feet.


4) The elevation of the land gradually increased as we hiked up the mountain.


5) The scientist used a laser to measure the precise elevation of the glacier.



1) high elevation (高海拔)

2) low elevation (低海拔)

3) sea level elevation (海平面海拔)

4) altitude and elevation (海拔和高程)

5) elevation map (等高线图)


1) The elevation of the mountain peak was over 5,000 meters.


2) 这座山峰的海拔高度超过了5000米。

3) The airplane reached an elevation of 30,000 feet.


4) 飞机达到了30000英尺的高度。

5) The scientist used a laser to measure the precise elevation of the glacier.


6) 科学家使用激光测量冰川精确的海拔高度。

6.总结:elevation是指地面或物体的高度或海拔高度,也可指某一位置相对于其他位置的高度差。它可以用来描述自然地形、建筑物、气象现象等,是一个常用词汇。其读音为[iˌlɛˈveɪʃən],在中文中可以翻译为“海拔”、“仰角”、“提升”等。elevation可以与其他词组合成多种词语,如high elevation、low elevation、sea level elevation等。在日常生活和科学研究中都有广泛应用,是一个重要的词汇。


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