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1. explained是动词explain的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“解释,说明”。:He explained the problem to me in detail.(他详细地向我解释了这个问题。)

2. explained的用法和例句读音读法:[ɪk'spleɪnd]。

3. explained是一个及物动词,常用于被动语态,表示某人向他人解释或说明某件事情。:The teacher explained the concept to her students.(老师向学生们解释了这个概念。)

4. 例句:

(1)She patiently explained the instructions to her son.


(2)The doctor carefully explained the treatment plan to his patient.


(3)The tour guide clearly explained the history of the ancient city to the tourists.


(4)He quickly explained his mistake and apologized for it.


(5)The lawyer thoroughly explained the legal terms to his client before signing the contract.


5. explained的用法和例句组词:

- explainable (adj.) 可以被解释的

- explanation (n.) 解释,说明

- explanatory (adj.) 解释的,说明的

- unexplained (adj.) 无法解释的

- explain away (phr. v.) 解释掉,掩饰

6. explained是什么意思,explained的用法和例句的中英文对照:

- explained (v.) 解释,说明

- Usage: She patiently explained the instructions to her son.


- Read as: [ɪk'spleɪnd]




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