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1. emperor怎么读?emperor是什么意思的解释

emperor [ˈɛmpərər],读音为[ˈɛmpərər],是一个名词,指的是帝王、皇帝。在古代帝国中,皇帝被视为最高者,拥有无上的权力和地位。

2. emperor怎么读?emperor是什么意思的读音读法


3. emperor怎么读?emperor是什么意思的用例

例句1:The emperor's palace was built with grandeur and extravagance.(皇帝的宫殿建造得富丽堂皇)

例句2:During the reign of the emperor, the country experienced a period of prosperity and stability.(在皇帝期间,这个经历了一段繁荣稳定的时期)

例句3:The emperor was known for his ruthless and tyrannical rule over his subjects.(这位皇帝以残暴和专制臣民而闻名)

例句4:In ancient China, emperors were believed to be the sons of heaven and had divine status.(在古代,皇帝被认为是天子,拥有神圣的地位)

例句5:The emperor's army was feared by neighboring countries for its strength and military tactics.(邻国因皇帝的强大和战术而感到恐惧)

4. emperor怎么读?emperor是什么意思的组词

- emperorship (n.) 皇帝的地位或职位

- emperorlike (adj.) 类似于皇帝的

- emperorate (n.) 皇帝时期

- emperors' tombs (n.) 皇陵

- emperor's new clothes (n.) 皇帝的新衣(指虚有其表、欺骗性质的东西)

5. emperor怎么读?emperor是什么意思的中英文对照

emperor [ˈɛmpərər] - 皇帝、帝王

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