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1.expands是动词,意为“扩大,扩展”,常用于描述事物的规模、范围、数量等的增加。:The company expands its business to the international market. (这家公司将业务扩展到国际市场。)

2.expands的用法和例句读音读法:英 [ɪkˈspænd] 美 [ɪkˈspænd]

3.expands是动词,常见用法有:expand on/upon sth.(详细说明某事),expand into sth.(扩大到某事物),expand one's horizons(开阔眼界),expand one's knowledge(增长知识)等。:

- The professor will expand on the ic of artificial intelligence in his lecture. (教授将在讲座中详细说明人工智能这一主题。)

- The company plans to expand into the European market next year. (该公司计划明年将业务拓展到欧洲市场。)

- Traveling is a great way to expand your horizons and learn about different cultures. (旅行是开阔眼界、了解不同文化的好方法。)

4.expands的用法和例句组词:expansion(n. 扩大,扩张),expansive(adj. 扩张的,广阔的),expander(n. 扩大器,膨胀机)等。


- expands是动词,意为“扩大,扩展”

- 用法:expand on/upon sth.(详细说明某事),expand into sth.(扩大到某事物),expand one's horizons(开阔眼界),expand one's knowledge(增长知识)等

- 中文翻译:扩大、扩展、详细说明、拓展到、开阔眼界、增长知识



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