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On board是什么意思

一:on board是什么意思的意思

On board是什么意思

on board是一个英语短语,意思是“上船/上车/上飞机”,也可以指“加入某个团队或组织”。


on board的读音为/ɒn bɔːd/。


1. 上船/上车/上飞机:

:“Please have your boarding pass ready when you are ready to get on board the plane.”(请在准备登机时准备好您的登机牌。)

2. 加入某个团队或组织:

:“We are excited to announce that John has officially come on board as our new marketing director.”(我们很高兴地宣布,约翰已正式加入我们,担任我们的新营销总监。)


1. The passengers were asked to wait at the gate until it was time to get on board the ship.


2. The bus driver checked everyone's ticket before allowing them to get on board.


3. The flight attendant greeted us as we got on board the plane.


4. After a long application process, I finally got accepted and was able to come on board this prestigious company.


5. The new CEO has brought a lot of positive changes since coming on board the company.



1. embark:也可以指“上船/上车/上飞机”,但更常用于正式场合。

:“The passengers were asked to embark the ship at the designated time.”(乘客们被要求在指定时间登船。)

2. join:也可以指“加入某个团队或组织”,但更常用于一般场合。

:“We are happy to have you join our team.”(我们很高兴你能加入我们的团队。)


on board是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“上船/上车/上飞机”或者指“加入某个团队或组织”。在实际使用中,需要根据具体情况来选择适当的同义词替换,以增强表达的准确性和流畅性。同时,在写作时也要注意使用正确的语境和搭配,避免出现歧义或者不符合语法规范的句子。


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