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on account of是什么意思

一:on account of是什么意思的意思

on account of是一个短语,表示“因为,由于”的意思。它可以作为介词短语或副词短语使用,常用于口语和书面语中。

on account of是什么意思


on account of的音标为/ɒn ə'kaʊnt əv/。



- On account of the heavy rain, the football match was cancelled.


- She couldn't attend the meeting on account of her illness.



- I didn't go to work today. On account of, I'm feeling unwell.


- We need to finish this project on time. On account of, we have a strict deadline.



1. On account of his bad behavior, he was expelled from school.


2. We had to cancel the trip on account of the bad weather.


3. On account of her busy schedule, she couldn't attend the party.


4. The game was postponed on account of the power outage.


5. On account of his age, he was given a discount on the ticket.



1. Due to:表示“由于”,常用于正式场合。

2. Because of:表示“因为”,常用于口语和书面语中。

3. Owing to:表示“由于”,常用于正式场合。

4. Thanks to:表示“多亏了”,常用于表达感谢之意。


on account of是一个常见的短语,在口语和书面语中都有使用。它可以作为介词短语或副词短语使用,表示“因为,由于”的意思。在句子中可以起连接作用,也可以表达原因或结果。同义词包括due to、because of、owing to和thanks to等,但它们的使用场合略有不同。要注意区分其与其他类似表达方式的区别,正确使用on account of可以使句子更加地道和准确。


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