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not really是什么意思

一:not really是什么意思的意思

not really是什么意思

not really是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示某件事情并不真实或者并不完全正确。它可以用来表达对某件事情的怀疑、不同意或者不确定的态度。在口语中,not really通常被简写为n.r.。


not really的发音为[nɒt ˈrɪəli],其中r的发音比较轻微,可以忽略。但是在强调时,也可以把r发得更重一些。


1. 表示怀疑

- A: Are you sure that's the right way?

- B: Not really, but let's try it.

2. 表示不同意

- A: I think this dress looks great on me.

- B: Not really, it doesn't suit your style.

3. 表示不确定

- A: Did you enjoy the movie?

- B: Not really, it was just okay.

4. 在问答句中提出问题的反问

- A: Is this your first time here?

- B: Not really, I've been here a few times before.


1. I thought she was my friend, but not really.


2. Do you like spicy food?

Not really, I prefer something milder.


3. Is he a good singer?

Not really, he's just average.


4. Have you finished your homework?

Not really, I still have a few more questions to do.


5. Are you excited for the trip?

Not really, I'm a bit nervous actually.



1. Not exactly:意思和not really相同,也可以表示怀疑、不同意或者不确定的态度。

- A: Did you understand the instructions?

- B: Not exactly, could you explain it again?

2. Not quite:意思和not really相似,也可以表示怀疑、不同意或者不确定的态度。但是它更多的用于程度上的区分,表示并非完全如此。

- A: Is she the best candidate for the job?

- B: Not quite, but she's definitely one of the ones.

3. Not entirely:意思和not really相近,也可以表示怀疑、不同意或者不确定的态度。但是它更多的强调并非完全如此。

- A: Do you agree with his opinion?

- B: Not entirely, but I can see where he's coming from.


not really是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示某件事情并不真实或者并不完全正确。它可以用来表达对某件事情的怀疑、不同意或者不确定的态度。在口语中,not really通常被简写为n.r.。除了以上提到的用法外,它还可以用于问答句中提出问题的反问。同时,它也有一些近义词,如not exactly、not quite和not entirely,它们都可以表示类似的意思。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要了解这些常用短语的含义和用法,并且能够灵活运用到日常交流中。


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