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not ready to make nice是什么意思

一:not ready to make nice是什么意思的意思:

not ready to make nice是一个常用的短语,意思是不愿意原谅或和解,表示态度强硬、不妥协的情绪。通常用来形容某人对某件事情或某个人的态度。

not ready to make nice是什么意思


not ready to make nice [nɒt ˈredɪ tuː meɪk naɪs]


not ready to make nice通常作为形容词短语使用,可以用来修饰人或事物。在句子中通常作为主语、宾语或表语。


1. She's not ready to make nice with her ex-boyfriend after their messy breakup.(她和她前男友在分手后仍然不愿和解。)

2. The company is not ready to make nice with the labor union and is prepared for a long strike.(公司不愿与工会和解,准备进行长期。)

3. The politician was not ready to make nice with his opponents and continued to attack them in his speech.(这位家不愿与他的对手和解,在演讲中继续攻击他们。)

4. After being betrayed by her best friend, she was not ready to make nice and cut off all ties with her.(在被她最好的朋友背叛后,她不愿意和解,并断绝了与她的所有。)

5. The two countries are not ready to make nice and are still in a state of war.(这两个不愿和解,仍处于战争状态。)


1. Unwilling to forgive(不愿原谅):表示某人不愿意原谅别人的错误或过错。

2. Uncompromising(不妥协):表示某人态度强硬,不肯做出让步。

3. Unyielding(不屈服):强调某人坚定的立场,不会屈服于外界压力。

4. Stubborn(固执):表示某人坚持自己的想法,不肯改变。

5. Resistant(抵抗):指对某件事情或某个人持反对态度。


not ready to make nice是一个常用的短语,意思是不愿意原谅或和解,表示态度强硬、不妥协的情绪。它可以用来修饰人或事物,在句子中通常作为主语、宾语或表语。除了not ready to make nice之外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,如unwilling to forgive、uncompromising、unyielding等。在撰写文章时,建议根据具体语境选择合适的词语,以丰富文章表达。


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