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mystery shopping是什麼意思

意思:mystery shopping是指雇用特定的人员,通过扮演普通顾客的角色,对商店或服务进行秘密调查和评估的一种市场调研方法。

怎么读(音标):[ˈmɪstəri ˈʃɑpɪŋ]



mystery shopping是什麼意思

1. Mystery shopping is a popular method used by companies to evaluate their customer service and overall performance.

(Mystery shopping是公司用来评估客户服务和整体表现的一种流行方法。)

2. The mystery shopper was instructed to visit the store and report on the cleanliness and friendliness of the staff.


3. Many companies hire mystery shoppers to gather information about their compes' products and services.


4. The results of the mystery shopping survey revealed areas where the company could improve its customer experience.


5. As a mystery shopper, you must remain anonymous and unbiased in your evaluations.


同义词及用法:secret shopping,undercover shopping,covert shopping等都可以用来指代mystery shopping这一概念,但它们的用法和意义基本相同。

编辑总结:mystery shopping是一种常用的市场调研方法,通过雇用秘密顾客来评估商店或服务的表现。它可以帮助公司问题并改善客户体验,同时也能收集竞争对手的信息。作为一个名词,它可以简写为MS,在口语和书面语中都常被使用。同义词包括secret shopping、undercover shopping和covert shopping等。


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