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1. lifting是动词lift的现在分词形式,意为“举起;提升;抬起”。

2. lifting也可以作为名词,表示“举起;提升;抬起”的行为或过程。


英 [ˈlɪftɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɪftɪŋ]


1. 作为动词使用时,lifting通常用来描述人或物体将某物从低处移动到高处的过程。:

- He helped me by lifting the heavy box onto the shelf.(他帮我把重箱子搬上架子。)

- The crane is capable of lifting heavy objects.(这台起重机能够吊起重物。)

2. 作为名词使用时,lifting通常指从低处移动到高处的行为或过程。:

- The workers were exhausted after a day of heavy lifting.(工人们经过一天的重物搬运后筋疲力尽。)

- Regular weightlifting can help improve muscle strength and tone.(定期举重可以帮助增强肌肉力量和紧致度。)


1. She was able to lift the car off her child with an incredible burst of strength.


2. The weightlifter impressed the judges with his impressive lifting technique.


3. The crane operator carefully lifted the fragile glass panels onto the floor of the building.


4. After months of training, she was finally able to lift twice her body weight.


5. The weightlifting competition was intense, with each athlete attempting to lift more than their opponents.



1. raise:意为“提高;抬高”,与lifting在表示将物体从低处移动到高处时可以互换使用。

2. hoist:意为“吊起;升起”,通常指用机械装置将物体从低处抬起。

3. elevate:意为“提升;抬高”,多用于形容抽象概念或情绪的提升。

4. heave:意为“用力抬起;挥舞”,强调用力将物体抬起。

5. pick up:意为“捡起;拾起”,通常指用手将物体从地上抬起。




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