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Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these

一:Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these的意思

Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these是一句圣经经文,出自以赛亚书40章26节,意为“向四方抬头,看哪,这一切都在你面前”。


/lɪft ʌp θaɪnz raʊnd əˈbaʊt ænd bɪˈhoʊld ɔːl ðiːz/

Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these




1. Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these beautiful mountains are created by God. 向四方抬头,看哪,这些美丽的山脉都是上帝创造的。

2. In times of trouble, we should lift up our eyes and behold the wonders of God's creation. 在困难时期,我们应该抬头看上帝创造的奇迹。

3. As I stood on the of the mountain, I lifted up my eyes round about and beheld the breathtaking view before me. 当我站在山顶上时,我抬头向四周望去,看到了令人惊叹的景色。

4. The pastor encouraged the congregation to lift up their eyes round about and behold the blessings that God has bestowed upon them. 牧师鼓励教众向四方抬头,看哪,上帝赐予他们的祝福。

5. As we lift up our eyes round about, we can see the beauty of God's creation in every direction. 当我们向四方抬头时,可以在每个方向看到上帝创造的美丽。


1. Look around: 向周围看

2. Behold: 看见,注视

3. Gaze: 凝视

4. Admire: 欣赏,羡慕

5. Marvel: 惊奇,惊叹


“Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these”是一句圣经经文,用来鼓励人们放眼望远,欣赏上帝的伟大和他的作为。这句话也可以形容某事物的壮观或令人惊叹。我们应该时刻记住这句话,并在困难时期抬头望去,看到上帝创造的奇迹和祝福。同时,在写作中也可以使用这句话来形容某事物的壮观和令人惊叹。最后,我们也可以借用同义词来替换这句话,使语言更加生动多样。


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