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ldquo 枪手 rdquo 的英文

1. Meaning:

ldquo 枪手 rdquo 的英文

ldquo 手 rdquo is a Chinese term that refers to someone who is skilled in using firearms or guns.

2. Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of ldquo 手 rdquo is "qiāng shǒu" with the tone marks "qiāng" (first tone) and "shǒu" (third tone).

3. Usage:

ldquo 手 rdquo can be used as a noun to describe a person who is proficient in handling guns or as an adjective to describe something related to guns.

4. Examples:

1) 她是一位出色的手,每次射击都能命中目标。

She is an excellent marksman, hitting the target every time she shoots.

2) 这把是我爷爷当年作战时用过的老,他是一名真正的手。

This gun was used by my grandfather during the war, he was a true marksman.

3) 那个狙击手是我们队里最厉害的手,他能在很远的距离射中目标。

That sniper is the best marksman in our team, he can hit targets from a far distance.

4) 这部电影里有很多激烈的战场面,观众们都被那些手的精准射击吸引住了。

This movie has many intense gunfight scenes, the audience were all drawn by the accurate shooting of the marksmen.

5) 他在服役期间学会了如何使用各种不同的械,现在他是一名合格的手。

He learned how to use various guns during his military service, now he is a qualified marksman.

5. Synonyms:

Some synonyms for ldquo 手 rdquo include "射手" (shè shǒu) and "狙击手" (jū jī shǒu), both of which also refer to skilled shooters or snipers. These terms can be used interchangeably with ldquo 手 rdquo in most contexts.

6. Editor's Summary:

In summary, ldquo 手 rdquo is a Chinese term that means someone who is proficient in using firearms or guns, with the pronunciation "qiāng shǒu". It can be used as a noun or adjective and has synonyms such as "射手" and "狙击手".


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